Below is a list of frequently asked questions about CliftonStrengths at the University of Tennessee. If you have a question which is not answered below or you need additional clarification, please email
Faculty and staff who are interested in taking the assessment should complete this request form.
However, there are certain situations when it may be helpful to retake the assessment:
- When an individual took it right before or after a traumatic life event.
- When an individual took it in their non-native language.
- When an individual was distracted when they took it.
- When an individual took it in school or early in in life, and more than 10 years have passed.
- When an individual was not authentic in their responses the first time they completed the assessment.
Please note, if you retake the assessment, you will lose your previous results. (ex. If you originally had a top 34 report but retake the assessment for your top 5, you will not be able to see the rest of your new strengths or previous strengths.
The CliftonStrengths assessment answers those questions. This online test (formerly named the Clifton StrengthsFinder) measures the intensity of your talents in each of the 34 CliftonStrengths themes. These 34 themes represent what people do best. They categorize all that’s right with humankind — distilled down to 34 different themes.
Immediately after completing the CliftonStrengths assessment, you’ll receive your results in a report featuring customized descriptions of your rank-ordered dominant strengths.